IJIMS has moved to a new website since December 2023.
Postgraduate Program IAIN Salatiga, Indonesia
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies has the perspectives of humanities and social sciences. This journal also has programs aimed at bridging the gap between the textual and contextual approaches to Islamic Studies; and solving the dichotomy between ‘orthodox’ and ‘heterodox’ Islam. The two were linked: the textual tradition showed that Islam was, as well as a set of religious tenets, a way of approaching the practical economic and social challenges of life. So, this journal invites the intersection of several disciplines and scholars. In other words, its contributors borrowed from a range of disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences.
IJIMS, published twice a year (June and December), always places Islam and Muslim in the central focus of academic inquiry and invites any discussions as the aim and scopes.
IJIMS is a member of Crossref.org since 2015, so each article has its unique DOI number.
IJIMS has been indexed in SCOPUS since August 2017, ACI, Index Islamicus and more.
IJIMS has been granted National Accredition (A) from Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education

From 20 October 2023, IJIMS has moved to a new website https://ejournal.uinsalatiga.ac.id/index.php/ijims We apologised for any inconvenience. Regards
Posted: 2023-10-19 | |
Current issue IJIMS Vol. 12 No. 2, Dec 2022 |
A new issue has been published https://ijims.iainsalatiga.ac.id/index.php/ijims/issue/view/366 |
Posted: 2022-12-21 | |
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