Shifting orientation in Sufism: its development and doctrine adjustment in history

elmansyah al-haramain


One of Islamic cultures that is constantly able to evolve and adapt to the various
condition is Sufism. In the process of development, Sufism has always been a
solution to various issues in society, and it is also aimed at achieving closed
relation to the Lord. Shifting orientation of Sufism has occurred in any kind of its
theology, politics, philosophy, and organization. The present studies of Sufism
development lead to medical issues. Some experts call it Sufi Healing. It is
interesting to discuss it since the shifting orientation brings something positive to
the development of Sufism. However, there are many things that need to be
reviewed, namely the provision of the proposition for any behavioral recovery
which seemed a merely justification. This article is presented by using a
historical and a phenomenological approach that emphasizes on the existence
of its phenomenon. Through this article, it is expected to obtain an understanding
of Sufism and its various efforts in developing the doctrine of al-ihs} an> in Islam in
he context of digital era.
Salah satu hasil kebudayaan Islam yang senantiasa mampu berkembang dan
beradaptasi secara kondisional adalah tasawuf. Dalam proses perkembangannya
itu, tasawuf selalu menjadi solusi bagi pelbagai persoalan masyarakat, dan mengarahkannya pada kedekatan diri dengan Tuhan. Pergeseran orientasi terjadi
di setiap perubahan bentuk, mulai dari teologis, politis, filosofis, organisatoris.
Studi tentang perkembangan tasawuf akhir-akhir ini, mulai mengarah pada
persoalan medis. Para ahli menyebutnya Sufi Healing. Hal ini menarik untuk
dibahas, karena pergeseran orientasi ini membawa hal positif bagi perkembangan
tasawuf. Akan tetapi, ada hal yang nampaknya perlu dikaji ulang, yakni pemberian
dalil atas setiap perilaku penyembuhan, yang seolah-olah merupakan justifikasi
belaka. Tulisan ini disajikan dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah; Analisisnya
menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis. Melalui tulisan ini, diharapkan dapat
diperoleh pemahaman tentang tasawuf dan berbagai upayanya dalam
mengembangkan ajaran al-ih}sa>n dalam Islam dalam konteks era digital.


Sufism; Sufi Healing; Orientation; History; Development

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