Islamic education for disabilities: new model for developing Islamic parenting in Integrated Blind Orphanage of Aisyiyah
This study proposes Islamic education for disabilities as a new way of developing
an Islamic parenting model applied at the integrated blind orphanages of Aisyiyah
Ponorogo, Indonesia. This research method is a qualitative study using in-depth
interview techniques, participant observation, documentation, and content
analysis. This study found that the Islamic parenting model applied at the Aisyiyah
Ponorogo is more dominated by authoritative parenting styles than permissive
and authoritarian parenting. This finding confirms criticism and a solution
to Baumrind’s parenting theory on the one hand. It means that the design of
authoritative and Islamic parenting is more helpful in producing a parenting
style oriented towards a more positive aspect, achieving, independent, religious,
responsible, and closer to the child’s future. The Islamic-based parenting model
applies the parental model of flexibility and adaptability involving some aspects of
parenting style, work program, paradigm, method, and instrument. The research’s
significance is to understand the Islamic parenting model applied to integrated
blind orphanages of Aisyiyah Ponorogo that can be used as role models for other
orphanages throughout Indonesia. The current research brings value and can be
used as a lesson learned for other Muslim communities in Indonesia.
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