Globalization and the thought of unity in diversity of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi in the light of his magnum opus Risala-i Nur

Mohammad Ajmal


Badiuzzaman Said Nursi had always looked at the world as one component
glorifying the one creator and testifying to His greatness. The universality he
believed in, came into contradiction with the universality that results from
globalization as it is generally understood and illustrated. People of economically
less auspicious countries become themselves agents of globalization in
their own places. This is why the effects of globalization are more harmful
than those of colonialism. Globalization recruits its soldiers from among people
it invades and expands to swallow the remnants of their culture and selfesteem
by making them follow the model of those who are more powerful
and who possess more.
Badiuzzaman Said Nursi selalu memandang dunia sebagai salah satu komponen
untuk memuliakan Sang Pencipta dan menyaksikan kebesaran-Nya. Universalitas
yang dipercayainya, berlawanan dengan universalitas yang dihasilkan dari
globalisasi seperti yang umum dipahami dan digambarkan. Masyarakat dari
Negara-negara yang secara ekonomis kurang beruntung menjadikan diri mereka sendiri sebagai agen globalisasi di negara mereka sendiri. Inilah sebabnya
mengapa efek globalisasi lebih berbahaya daripada kolonialisme. Globalisasi
merekrut tentaranya dari kalangan orang-orang yang menjadi sasaran serangnya
dan menelan sisa-sisa kebudayaan mereka serta harga diri dengan membuat
mereka mengikuti model mereka yang lebih kuat dan memiliki kelebihan.


Globalization; Risala-i Nur; Diversity; Universality

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